Wonders & Blunders: Back to the Future

By: Kevin Dinino
Category: Security | Startup
Back to the Future

How was your decision-making in the 90s? It could have seriously impacted your portfolio. And what were you doing last weekend? Perhaps shedding a tear over the state of VC (and its lack of funding) or the most recent cyberattack? Maybe times had you thinking in a problem-solving state of mind like Microsoft’s president. This week, we’re headed back to the future.

Cyber Attack Victims Want to Cry … Thanks to WannaCry 

Ransomware called WannaCry paralyzed hundreds of thousands of computers last week across the globe … and lots of people could cry about it. The malware first emerged last Friday and it was reported that WannaCry had been contained by late Monday. While the initial outbreak (tantrum if you will) is over, The Wall Street Journal reports that experts are concerned about a “reignition.” 
Wipe Your Tears and Stop Ignoring Your Computer Updates 
Turns out the WannaCry outbreak could have been prevented. Microsoft released a patch two months ago, fancy that. “But because so many companies didn’t apply it, the so-called WannaCry attack spread like cholera.” Computer updates are not the only solution Microsoft President Brad Smith is suggesting, a “Digital Geneva Convention” is what might actually save us all. As countries race to create cyber weapons, criminals are racing to steal them. A global charter to limit the creation of cyber weapons would result in less hoarding of exploits and vulnerabilities and more work with software vendors to keep systems secure. Could this be the start of broader collaboration on cybersecurity? We sure hope so.

Wanted: First-round VC Funding 

First-round VC funding is feeling frosty in Q1 folks. Inc. reports a cool $16 billion in funding was divvied up last quarter, however only 10 percent of that went to startups seeking funding for the first time. That’s a 62 percent drop in first-time funding … deep breath. So what’s an entrepreneur to do? Successful startup founders shared their two cents and it all comes down to numbers, tone and time. Nuff said.
America’s infrastructure is in good hands. Pavia Systems talks to the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce about HeadLight Academy and how it’s revolutionizing the way our transportation infrastructure workforce is being trained, in and out of the classroom.
1st Global EVP/Client Experience Officer Jeff Magson joins CNBC to explain why advisors should practice what they preach and offer fee diversification.
It’s not often in financial services that you get to be in a room full of fierce, powerful women who are changing the traditional way of doing things. Barron’s Top Independent Women Advisors Summit provides the opportunity to do just that.
Date : June 12-14, 2017
Place: Washington, D.C.
Self-driving cars are so last week. Transportation technology has moved onward and upward – literally. Tech titans are looking to the skies for their next venture and we’ve got the scoop on what your next Uber could look like. 
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Hindsight is 20/20 

Want to feel old? This week marked the 20th anniversary of Amazon’s IPO … TWENTIETH! GeekWire is asking the question, in May 1997 if you invested in Seattle real estate, or Amazon stock, what would your portfolio look like now? Spoiler alert, Amazon had nearly fifty times larger returns. Fingers crossed you bought into Amazon instead of stock in that sock puppet.


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